David Parry Memorial Garden
David was the first chair of the John Trotter Trust and oversaw the purchase and development of the Open Door Centre. He always wanted the Open Door Centre to be a welcoming and well-presented venue and took great pleasure in assisting in every aspect of the volunteer work.
He was always keen to develop the small, grassy area next to the war memorial so that it would be in keeping with the lovely flower beds beside the church. Sadly, he was taken from us just over a year ago and so was unable to see this vision fulfilled.
That’s why we’ve chosen this particular project to serve as a memorial to him. We plan to install a raised rectangular flower bed in the space to the left of the war memorial. It will be constructed from oak railway sleepers and planted by members of Christ Church Barnet superb gardening team. We’re also considering re-turfing the area as the current grass is looking a bit ‘tired’.​​​​​
If you would like to give to this memorial, then please go to the DONATE page and use PARRY as your reference. Alternatively, if you would prefer to make a cash donation then drop it into the Centre next time you are there marking the envelope Donation: Parry
Thank you

An image of the proposed garden